It depends on what you mean by helping. And what you mean by recycling. In some cases there is a clear benefit. With metals, it almost always makes sense to recycle because mining and benefication of primary metals is energy intensive. For instance, making primary aluminum from bauxite requires tremendous electricity consumption.. the energy savings from using recycled aluminum is a factor of 10-15. slam dunk. Steel is very easy to recycle and is very commonly recycled throughout the world. Copper is in increasingly high demand for recycling because worldwide copper mining yields are bottoming out and as a result, copper mining is very expensive. Tyre Recycling in Australia

Plastics are a bit more uncertain, but that is largely because of the sloppy way Americans handle their plastics than any technical limitations. Recycling HDPE (milk gallons) or PET (soda / water bottles) is well-established and mature, and there are modest energy savings to using recycled over primary materials in both cases (yes, even when including the impacts from "driving all those trucks around"). However, other plastics- even HDPE and PET from non-bottle product sytstems- are not presently recycled in a meaningful sense. They may be made into park benches or doorstops or things of that nature, but it is much harder to argue convincingly that they provide benefits. The reason for this is that different plastics have different chemical compositions, so plastics recycling requires a pure material stream. People who might otherwise make money from recycling plastic have decided that the waste stream generated by American consumers is too contaminated to be of value. In places where recyclables are handled more carefully, sorted by the consumer and cleaned of other materials, this may not be the case.

Most recycling that goes on in the US is fiber recycling (think paper and cardboard)- at materials recovery facilities in coastal California, where I live, fibers can make up 80% of the facility throughput by weight. Here the benefits are direct in terms of reduced reliance on forest resources and primary paper production, also in reduced landfill space. But the chemical requirements and energy and water used in paper recycling are significant.

On the other hand, products with a small scope or material scale (shopping bags, pens, bottle caps, etc) are also going to have small-scale benefits, or none at all. The amount of energy contained in a typical 5-gram HDPE single use grocery bag is just about enough to drive a car across the grocery store parking lot to the recycling bin. The benefits here are in reduced litter (plastic litter, especially plastic bags but also food containers and cigarette butts, is an unfolding ecological disaster in the marine environment) but not so much in reduced resource consumption.
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